Meth Addiction: Causes, Risks, and Treatment

how to help someone with meth addiction

Learn more about substance use disorder, interventions, treatment methods and mental health terms to use, and which to avoid. And recognize that now is not the time to nag or lecture your loved one about what they should have done in the past or how things could have been better. The medically correct term for drug addiction is substance use disorder (SUD). However, it is important to note that although meth use does physically alter the brain, there is a difference between physical dependence and addiction. Martinez, who has been in recovery for two years, now works with a Washington, D.C.-based group called HIPS helping others with meth addiction.

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That said, you always have the option to reach out and find support, and it’s never too late — or too early — to ask for help. If you or someone you know has any signs of an overdose, call for emergency help right away. Meth produces more reward chemicals than your brain can fully handle. It sends your brain’s dopamine levels into the stratosphere, so to speak. In everyday language, that means most of the meth will leave your system before the day is done. Some folks may do a “run,” which involves taking meth continuously for several hours or days, often without sleeping or eating.

Be prepared for recovery support to be a lifelong process

It’s unclear if that is enough money to persuade people to quit. Most studies show contingency management works best when patients can make upward of $1,000. California picked a lower amount to avoid triggering tax problems for patients or compromising their eligibility for other public benefits like food assistance. Rick Rawson, a professor emeritus of psychology at UCLA and early proponent of contingency management, says many addiction care providers historically dismissed the treatment as a form of bribery. That means two out of three people who are recovering from an addiction will likely relapse within their first year of recovery.

Long-Term Effects of Meth Use

Here’s a closer look at meth withdrawal, including how long it lasts and how to manage it. Methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms are common with long term meth use. A person is more likely to overdose on meth if it is mixed with other drugs, such as synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which is a cheaper drug that is often added to meth without the person’s knowledge. Since the effects of the drug start and fade quickly, people often take repeated doses in what is known as a binge and crash pattern.

how to help someone with meth addiction

Rehab Options for Meth Addiction

The risk for relapse reduces during the adjustment stage of meth recovery. They begin to adapt to their new lifestyle, which may include new jobs or relationships. People in recovery from methamphetamine addiction must commit to staying sober for their entire lives. Researchers say they have identified the first medical treatment that shows promise in helping some people recovering from methamphetamine addiction. Dependence refers to a physical state in which your body is dependent on the drug. With drug dependence, you need more and more of the substance to achieve the same effect (tolerance).

  • Dependence refers to a physical state in which your body is dependent on the drug.
  • Unlike opioid addiction, for which medication-assisted treatment is the standard of care, no medication has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use with meth.
  • Overall, methamphetamine is a very addictive substance because of its ability to provide a strong, lasting high.

how to help someone with meth addiction

If someone you care about is struggling, you should know that meth addiction help is available. meth addiction Do your homework and find appropriate treatment programs to help turn the person’s life around. Explain the different treatment options and put them in touch with a treatment provider. Whether they want inpatient or outpatient treatment, assure them you will be there every step of the way. Depression, a common symptom of meth addiction, can also linger into recovery.

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  • Patients received injections of extended-release naltrexone and oral doses of bupropion.
  • First, it’s important to recognize you can’t help them quit alone.
  • For example, a person may feel compelled to gamble, despite harmful consequences, without ever using drugs or alcohol.
  • Meth addiction has come roaring back, and during the pandemic, it has grown even worse.

If you’re worried that a loved one is using crystal meth (or any other substance), it’s important to address your concerns with them compassionately and avoid making assumptions. You can find local treatment providers with a therapist directory like Psychology Today, or just searching Google for addiction therapists in your area. Another medication for meth addiction, ibudilast, may reduce some of the pleasurable effects of meth. CM interventions for meth addiction typically offer incentives for continued abstinence. You may receive a voucher or other reward in exchange for drug-free urine samples. The voucher’s monetary value increases the longer you go without using meth.

how to help someone with meth addiction

Seeking help for addiction may feel daunting or even scary, but several organizations can provide support. Presently, there are no medications to help people recover from meth-related SUD that have received approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration. Getting a prescription also ensures you know what you’re getting. In non-prescribed (“black market”) economies, pressed pills marketed as Xanax, for example, may contain fentanyl or other contaminants. Acheson warns that the science of post-meth experiences is incomplete. You can try to anticipate the intensity of your symptoms based on your consumption patterns, but there’s no guarantee around how things will unfold.